Your church can be the epicenter for health changes in your neighborhood. Your church’s regular attendees and members are part of God’s global church. Whole Health invites your faith community to use the uniqueness of your church to plan a customized clinic, just for your neighbors. This clinic model is based on you, your faith community and your ministry partners taking full responsibility of your clinic. This means that with your Whole Health strategist’s guidance, your church will assemble the best volunteer team possible, using your best gifts and talents to glorify God and recognize that your congregation’s involvement is essential to executing a successful health clinic in your community. This model also assumes that your church will take initiative in building relationships with your community, beginning with those in the churches and neighborhoods nearest to your own faith community.
We hope you take advantage of a Whole Health strategist who can coach you all along the process, but ultimately, you and your church are responsible for your clinic. Therefore, your clinic will look unique to your faith community and your local partners, and may range in a variety of services that address the specific health needs of your community.
We look at charitable one day health clinics as an entry point into the continuum of healthcare and advise our church partners to develop a resource and referral network where community members can be referred – beyond the one day clinic health visit.