As we think of the month of March, so many unknowns come to mind. The weather is unpredictable, with a possibility of warm days and also days of snow. Possibly windy or days full of rain. Some years
the flower heads are pushing out of the ground in March and some years the flowers wait a few weeks to
peak their heads. By the grace of God, we may see these changes and enjoy them as they come.
We also see the diversity of March in Job One. It’s a month of change – some churches are a little more active
coming out of Winter, churches may be wondering what they can do before the activity of Easter. At Job
One, we feel that March is a perfect month to take advantage of the changing weather and hold a parking lot
hiring event, or on a rainy Saturday hold a Resume Workshop for your community. Before the activities of
Easter, hold a Career exploration class for your neighbors and spread an Easter invitation during your time
There are so many ministry options with Job One, we invite you to be a part of the excitement! Engaging with
your community is a blessing for all – no matter what month you’re in.